Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thanksgiving Break

Oh my gosh, it is so nice to be home for a week. I am beyond exhausted from this semester. As I have mentioned before, it has been nothing but busy, busy, busy. Thanksgiving Break is always a great time because at JMU, we receive a FULL week off from classes... not like most other schools where they only get Wednesday-Friday off. In addition, after I come back to school, I only have 2 weeks of classes + finals until the end of the semester! Praise the Lord!

I am also very excited because my best friend comes home from study abroad the first weekend of December! AHHH!!!  I have missed her SO much this semester. We met our freshman year and have been best friends ever since. We have never been in a fight even though we lived together last year!  She also is such a positive influence on me in developing my relationship with Christ. She has been there for me through everything. I will never forget how supportive she was when I had my stress fracture! And listening to me complain and be sad during that time.

Matching on accident! 
Lauren tags me in picture on Facebook when she sees "Trek" signs
while in Europe. I think she misses Tyrone more than me! 
I am also very excited to ride my bike while home this weekend. I actually just got my road bike all fixed up and fit so it will definitely be interesting to ride Jamie as opposed to Tyrone this winter. As far as winter training is going, I am having a good time but am very sore. I actually have a little niggle in my hip for lack of a better term. I am not too concerned yet, but I am being very cautious. I am actually icing the heck out of it right now. I am going to go to the doctor tomorrow to make sure it is nothing serious. I'd rather take time off right now than be taking time off in March! Advil (Aleve) + Ice= Triathlete's best friend! I did tell Connie that it was bothering me to which she replied, "If you don't have some occasional aches and pains I'd be worried!" Oh Connie, how I love being your athlete but hate it at the same time!

So far in this training block, I have seriously enjoyed running at night, just don't tell my dad please! I think he would have a heart attack if he knew I have been running in the dark! So far this semester, my choice for running is either at 5:30 am or 5:30 pm and its dark at both of those times. I used to really enjoy running in the morning, however, I have recently turned myself into an evening runner. I have coffee in my body and the blood has been flowing. I am so much more energized at night than in the morning now. Weird huh?

And on that note, I am going to go take a quick nap and get out for a bike ride and buy new shoes! Hopefully the shoes will help with the "niggle"!

Ephesians 4:2 "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."

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