Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tracks on Tracks on Tracks

Let me brush my shoulders off and say I had an awesomeawesomeawesome TRACK workout on Tuesday. Yep, you heard me right, runner girl is gettin her legs back and couldn't be happier about it. I am at work right now and no one has anything else for me to do. Sad day. So rather than waste my life watching T.V. in the office (well, I guess TdF doesn't count as wasting my life?), I decided I should post.

I had 6x800 on the schedule. I definitely wasn't looking forward to it after last week. I had a pretty rough track workout with my knee and hip bothering me. I ended up stopping early. Connie was proud of me for being "vigilant" even thought I felt like a total failure. It was a yucky and rainy day all day, so to be honest, all I wanted to do after work was go lay in my bed, cuddle up, and eat ice cream. Unfortunately though, triathlons are not "bed, cuddle, eat" competitions, so I sucked it up and tackled my workout. And tackle it I did. My goal right now is about 3:00-3:10 pace/800m with the goal of CONSISTENCY. I'll be darned if I did't hit 3:01, 3:02, 3:01, 3:04, 3:05, 3:04-- all of which were either negative split'd or exactly the same for each 400. BOOYAH. Recently I've been all over the place with my paces, so I was really excited. Thankfully, I had Michelle with me to keep me motivated and keep pushing. We discovered that we are so good for each other because she kicks my booty on the track while I kick her butt on longer runs. A win-win situation.

I think that what made my track workout so bearable was the phrase "Can't I or Won't I? No I WILL." I saw something like that early Tuesday. I can do it, and I WILL do it. The body is capable of some pretty awesome things. I knew I could hit the paces I wanted to, yeah it hurt like H-E-double hockey sticks, but man the feeling after was incredible.

And to make everything even better, Michelle and I treated ourselves to MAGIC MIKE. I've been waiting so long to see it and finally she came back in town.

Let's just hope that today's run goes just as well as Tuesdays... 10 min ez, 3x8 minute at goal 10k pace (I'm shootin for 7:00/mi pace) with 4 min between and 10 min steady/ez, 5 min walk. PLUS CORE. I WILL DO CORE TONIGHT I WILL DO CORE TONIGHT I WILL DO CORE TONIGHT.

And a Bible verse to get me through the workout today:

"He gives strength to the weary 
    and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall; 
31 but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength. 
They will soar on wings like eagles; 
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint."

Isaiah 40:29-31

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