Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Weekend, Traffic, & Photo Dump

Well, I have survived the first 2 nights in the new apartment! It feels so great to be back at school. I am still missing a desk and dresser in my room, so I am currently living out of 4 different suitcases. However, I built the dresser drawers and the  actual dresser itself. Now I just have to put it together. I am quite proud of myself for building it all by myself and using a drill!! Though I'm sure I will put clothes in it and it will fall over, but I really hope that doesn't happen.

I got to ride Friday. I forgot how many hills were in Harrisonburg. My Garmin is dead... guess where my charger is. In my kitchen, with my delicious Penny Cluse granola. Not happy. So I just rode from noonish until 1:45. I'm not particularly sure how far I went, but my legs were definitely jello-like after. 

I ran 50 minutes on Saturday and felt like a boss. It started raining midways into my run which made it that much better. I definitely am ready for the final kick of the season. 

Today I did a long ride, about 2.5 hours out toward Reddish Knob. Definitely one of my favorite places to ride in Harrisonburg, though it is super sketchy. I hate going out there alone, I feel like I should be carrying a gun or pepper spray when I go out there. It started sprinkling a bit after I turned around. Then all of a sudden cop cars and firetrucks were flying past me toward the mountain. I have not a clue what was going on, but I was very happy to be going the opposite direction. I dropped the hammer and got myself to civilization quick.

Just got stuck in some church traffic while trying to add on.
I would so much rather run into these than the cars back at home.

OH! AND I QUALIFIED FOR WORLDS! Here are some more pics from Nationals from the race photographer.

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