Monday, August 13, 2012

And it is...

NATIONALS WEEK!!!!! I am SO pumped. A little nervous but mostly excited.

My workouts went pretty well this weekend and my legs are feeling pretty darn good. Still a teensy bit heavy but nothing like a few weeks ago. I am still trying to figure out my new 910. It is still a ton of fun to use, but somehow I got it stuck on the multisport setting while I was riding yesterday. I rode for about 90 minutes and with 5x3 minutes after I was good and warmed up, so every time I "lapped" my watch, it switched sports! Argh. I finally got off the bike and switched it to bike only. I figured that trying to play with the watch while riding was a poor decision, especially a week out from my A race! 

In other news, I am an idiot. I was super frustrated because I couldn't get my watch to pick up my speed/cadence sensor even though I had applied the settings to my watch. Turns out you have to sync it to the ANT+ USB Stick and then it will work. AWESOME. 

I think I mentioned that my mom and siblings were going to Chattanooga for the weekend and I opted to stay home with my dad for personal reasons and for training. I hung out with some friends on Friday night and was just going to veg, maybe go to dinner with my dad on Saturday, but he had to run into work. So, what did I do? I ran over to Whole Foods to get sushi which was perfect came home, pulled up Netflix, and turned on Weeds. I have heard people rave about this show, but I had never seen it. I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed to say that I watched ALL of season 1, plus the first episode of season 2 on Saturday... in a row... from 7pm-1am. And when I woke up and had to wait for the storm to pass to workout... watched another 2 episodes. And throughout the afternoon I  managed to squeeze another 3 episodes in. So I am on season 2, episode 6... there goes the rest of my free time.

I am working today and tomorrow since I am leaving Wednesday morning/afternoon/evening-ish? Still haven't really decided or talked to my mom about plans. I suppose we should probably get that figured out. I think I am just going to let that fall into place.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.- Deuteronomy 31:6
I really like this bible verse as I approach nationals. Of course I am not terrified or afraid, but I definitely am nervous and will surely be intimidated by the competition in Vermont. I have to trust my training, Connie, and myself to leave it all on the course. Sometimes though, I forget God is there, too. He was there in EVERY training session, even when I forgot He was there. He has been there when things got tough in training and racing this summer. He is there for us always. I have so many supporters and awesome people rooting for me this weekend and were rooting for me all summer, but I also have to remember that even when I don't physically see Him cheering for me... He's there. 

*Also, I apologize for the lack of pictures and excessive text*

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