Friday, July 13, 2012

Funday Friday

I had a really clever title for this post that I thought of while swimming today... but its gone, long gone.

Yesterday I did a super run workout... 10 min WU, 3x8 min at 10k pace, 4 min recovery b/w and 10 minutes steady/cool down, 5 min walk. I tried bringing my bike GPS with me, which is fine to hold in my hand. Since we were running in the woods though, the GPS couldn't really pick up signal... it said we were running 5 mph... I know that was wrong! I also thought I could set my Garmin to min/mile, but apparently I was wrong so I had to figure out a good pace. After doing the math I figured I wanted to be running around 8.6-9.2 mph to get approximately 6:45-7:00 miles.  After figuring out the Garmin wasn't going to tell me much, I just ran based on feel; especially since I was with one of my friends who is pretty good at calculating pace. However, on the last interval, we ran the last 2 minutes on the street and were clocking 9.8-11 mph. HECK YEAH! I felt really strong and definitely had kick in me at the end of each interval.

But today my friends, I was BEAT. I tried to wake up at 7 to coach swim team, but my body just could. not. do. it. So then I tried to wake up at 8, again no such luck. Finally, around 8:45, I ripped myself from bed because I was so hungry and ran downstairs to make some oatmeal and drink coffee. I don't know about any other athletes out there, but it is SO much harder for me to get motivated to workout when I let myself sleep in. Thoughts?? 

Then around 11, I remembered that today was free Starbucks Refreshers drink day from 12-3. That sure got my butt up and out the door so I could get to the "Bucks" before they ran out of drinks (since I had 90 min recovery ride on the schedule I wouldn't get there until at least 12:30!!!!!) So, on my way back from my ride, realizing I had an extra 15 minutes to kill and not wanting to add on in one of the neighborhoods, I scooted on up to Starbucks, parked my bike at the side window so I could keep an eye on it, and ordered myself a drink. And I know what you are thinking here: yes I learned my lesson about dehydration, yes I had an another bottle for my ride today, I just put it in my jersey pocket for the ride home. I am a smart girl now!! :) 

I got the cool lime drink, it SUCKED. It tasted good at first, but the after taste was horrific. Now I know why they had free drink day.

Off to bed! I have a 5:45 am wake up call that I am definitely not too thrilled about. Lets just hope this long run in the morning goes better than last week's!

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